Yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki


Yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki

1 in stock

SKU: 9781921421716 Category:

Max Sculley's definitive critique of Yoga, Tai Chi and Reiki comes with a timely warning that despite these practices' surface appeal for helping fitness, relaxation and health, they are closely linked to underlying Eastern philosophies that are incompatible with Christianity. Vatican documents, including one authored by the present Pope when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, have highlighted the spiritual dangers associated with methods of meditation associated with Eastern religions. Despite these warnings Yoga, Tai Chi and Reiki continue to be promoted in parishes, schools and religious orders. Max Sculley's detailed and well documented analysis of Yoga, Tai Chi and Reika includes gripping personal stories that bring home the dark side of these practices. This book needs to be widely circulated among teachers, clergy and religious.

ISBN: 9781921421716
Title: Yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki
Author: Sculley, Br Max
Format: Paperback

Additional information

Weight 204 g
Dimensions 213 × 145 × 7 mm


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